Source code for flexmock

"""Copyright 2011 Herman Sheremetyev. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


# from flexmock import * is evil, keep it from doing any damage
__all__ = ['flexmock']

import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
import types
import warnings

AT_LEAST = 'at least'
AT_MOST = 'at most'
EXACTLY = 'exactly'
UPDATED_ATTRS = ['should_receive', 'should_call', 'new_instances']
DEFAULT_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES = [attr for attr in dir(type)
                            if attr not in dir(type('', (object,), {}))]
RE_TYPE = re.compile('')

except NameError:
  # Python 2.4 sucks
  def any(iterable):
    for x in iterable:
      if x: return True
    return False

class FlexmockError(Exception):

class MockBuiltinError(Exception):

class MethodSignatureError(FlexmockError):

class ExceptionClassError(FlexmockError):

class ExceptionMessageError(FlexmockError):

class StateError(FlexmockError):

class MethodCallError(FlexmockError):

class CallOrderError(FlexmockError):

class ReturnValue(object):
  def __init__(self, value=None, raises=None):
    self.value = value
    self.raises = raises

  def __str__(self):
    if self.raises:
      return '%s(%s)' % (self.raises, _arg_to_str(self.value))
      if len(self.value) == 1:
        return '%s' % _arg_to_str(self.value[0])
        return '(%s)' % ', '.join([_arg_to_str(x) for x in self.value])

class ArgSpec(object):
  """Silly hack for inpsect.getargspec return a tuple on python <2.6"""
  def __init__(self, spec):
    self.args, self.varargs, self.keywords, self.defaults = spec

class FlexmockContainer(object):
  """Holds global hash of object/expectation mappings."""
  flexmock_objects = {}
  properties = {}
  ordered = []
  last = None

  def reset(cls):
    cls.ordered = []
    cls.last = None
    cls.flexmock_objects = {} = {}

  def get_flexmock_expectation(cls, obj, name=None, args=None):
    """Retrieves an existing matching expectation."""
    if args == None:
      args = {'kargs': (), 'kwargs': {}}
    if not isinstance(args, dict):
      args = {'kargs': args, 'kwargs': {}}
    if not isinstance(args['kargs'], tuple):
      args['kargs'] = (args['kargs'],)
    if name and obj in cls.flexmock_objects:
      for e in reversed(cls.flexmock_objects[obj]):
        if == name and e.match_args(args):
          if e._ordered:
            cls._verify_call_order(e, args)
          return e

  def _verify_call_order(cls, expectation, args):
    if not cls.ordered:
      next_method = cls.last
      next_method = cls.ordered.pop(0)
      cls.last = next_method
    if expectation is not next_method:
      raise CallOrderError(
          '%s called before %s' %
          (_format_args(, args),
           _format_args(, next_method.args)))

  def add_expectation(cls, obj, expectation):
    if obj in cls.flexmock_objects:
      cls.flexmock_objects[obj] = [expectation]

  def add_teardown_property(cls, obj, name):
    if obj in[obj].append(name)
    else:[obj] = [name]

  def teardown_properties(cls):
    for obj, names in
      for name in names:
        delattr(obj, name)

[docs]class Expectation(object): """Holds expectations about methods. The information contained in the Expectation object includes method name, its argument list, return values, and any exceptions that the method might raise. """ def __init__(self, mock, name=None, return_value=None, original=None): = name self.modifier = EXACTLY if original is not None: self.original = original self.args = None self.argspec = None value = ReturnValue(return_value) self.return_values = return_values = [] self._replace_with = None if return_value is not None: return_values.append(value) self.times_called = 0 self.expected_calls = { EXACTLY: None, AT_LEAST: None, AT_MOST: None} self.runnable = lambda: True self._mock = mock self._pass_thru = False self._ordered = False self._one_by_one = False self._verified = False self._callable = True self._local_override = False def __str__(self): return '%s -> (%s)' % (_format_args(, self.args), ', '.join(['%s' % x for x in self.return_values])) def __call__(self): return self def __getattribute__(self, name): if name == 'once': return _getattr(self, 'times')(1) elif name == 'twice': return _getattr(self, 'times')(2) elif name == 'never': return _getattr(self, 'times')(0) elif name in ('at_least', 'at_most', 'ordered', 'one_by_one'): return _getattr(self, name)() elif name == 'mock': return _getattr(self, 'mock')() else: return _getattr(self, name) def __getattr__(self, name): self.__raise( AttributeError, "'%s' object has not attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def _get_runnable(self): """Ugly hack to get the name of when() condition from the source code.""" name = 'condition' try: source = inspect.getsource(self.runnable) if 'when(' in source: name = source.split('when(')[1].split(')')[0] elif 'def ' in source: name = source.split('def ')[1].split('(')[0] except: # couldn't get the source, oh well pass return name def _verify_signature_match(self, *kargs, **kwargs): allowed = self.argspec # TODO(herman): fix it properly so that module mocks aren't set as methods is_method = (inspect.ismethod(getattr(self._mock, and type(self._mock) != types.ModuleType) args_len = len(allowed.args) if is_method: args_len -= 1 minimum = args_len - (allowed.defaults and len(allowed.defaults) or 0) maximum = None if allowed.varargs is None and allowed.keywords is None: maximum = args_len total_positional = len( kargs + tuple(a for a in kwargs if a in allowed.args)) named_optionals = [a for a in kwargs if allowed.defaults if a in allowed.args[len(allowed.args) - len(allowed.defaults):]] if allowed.defaults and total_positional == minimum and named_optionals: minimum += len(named_optionals) if total_positional < minimum: raise FlexmockError( '%s requires at least %s arguments, expectation provided %s' % (, minimum, total_positional)) if maximum is not None and total_positional > maximum: raise FlexmockError( '%s requires at most %s arguments, expectation provided %s' % (, maximum, total_positional)) if args_len == len(kargs) and any(a for a in kwargs if a in allowed.args): raise FlexmockError( '%s already given as positional arguments to %s' % ([a for a in kwargs if a in allowed.args], if not allowed.keywords and any(a for a in kwargs if a not in allowed.args): raise FlexmockError( '%s is not a valid keyword argument to %s' % ([a for a in kwargs if a not in allowed.args][0], def _update_original(self, name, obj): if hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and name in obj.__dict__: self.original = obj.__dict__[name] else: self.original = getattr(obj, name) self._update_argspec() def _update_argspec(self): original = self.__dict__.get('original') if original: try: self.argspec = ArgSpec(inspect.getargspec(original)) except TypeError: # built-in function: fall back to stupid processing and hope the # builtins don't change signature pass def _normalize_named_args(self, *kargs, **kwargs): argspec = self.argspec default = {'kargs': kargs, 'kwargs': kwargs} if not argspec: return default ret = {'kargs': (), 'kwargs': kwargs} if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self._mock, args = argspec.args[1:] else: args = argspec.args for i, arg in enumerate(kargs): if len(args) <= i: return default ret['kwargs'][args[i]] = arg return ret def __raise(self, exception, message): """Safe internal raise implementation. In case we're patching builtins, it's important to reset the expectation before raising any exceptions or else things like open() might be stubbed out and the resulting runner errors are very difficult to diagnose. """ self.reset() raise exception(message) def match_args(self, given_args): """Check if the set of given arguments matches this expectation.""" expected_args = self.args given_args = self._normalize_named_args( *given_args['kargs'], **given_args['kwargs']) if (expected_args == given_args or expected_args is None): return True if (len(given_args['kargs']) != len(expected_args['kargs']) or len(given_args['kwargs']) != len(expected_args['kwargs']) or given_args['kwargs'].keys() != expected_args['kwargs'].keys()): return False for i, arg in enumerate(given_args['kargs']): if not _arguments_match(arg, expected_args['kargs'][i]): return False for k, v in given_args['kwargs'].items(): if not _arguments_match(v, expected_args['kwargs'][k]): return False return True
[docs] def mock(self): """Return the mock associated with this expectation.""" return self._mock
[docs] def with_args(self, *kargs, **kwargs): """Override the arguments used to match this expectation's method. Args: - kargs: optional keyword arguments - kwargs: optional named arguments Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use with_args() with attribute stubs") self._update_argspec() if self.argspec: # do this outside try block as TypeError is way too general and catches # unrelated errors in the verify signature code self._verify_signature_match(*kargs, **kwargs) self.args = self._normalize_named_args(*kargs, **kwargs) else: self.args = {'kargs': kargs, 'kwargs': kwargs} return self
[docs] def and_return(self, *values): """Override the return value of this expectation's method. When and_return is given multiple times, each value provided is returned on successive invocations of the method. It is also possible to mix and_return with and_raise in the same manner to alternate between returning a value and raising and exception on different method invocations. When combined with the one_by_one property, value is treated as a list of values to be returned in the order specified by successive calls to this method rather than a single list to be returned each time. Args: - values: optional list of return values, defaults to None if not given Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not values: value = None elif len(values) == 1: value = values[0] else: value = values if not self._callable: _setattr(self._mock,, value) return self return_values = _getattr(self, 'return_values') if not _getattr(self, '_one_by_one'): value = ReturnValue(value) return_values.append(value) else: try: return_values.extend([ReturnValue(v) for v in value]) except TypeError: return_values.append(ReturnValue(value)) return self
[docs] def times(self, number): """Number of times this expectation's method is expected to be called. There are also 3 aliases for the times() method: - once() -> times(1) - twice() -> times(2) - never() -> times(0) Args: - number: int Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use times() with attribute stubs") expected_calls = _getattr(self, 'expected_calls') modifier = _getattr(self, 'modifier') expected_calls[modifier] = number return self
[docs] def one_by_one(self): """Modifies the return value to be treated as a list of return values. Each value in the list is returned on successive invocations of the method. Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use one_by_one() with attribute stubs") if not self._one_by_one: self._one_by_one = True return_values = _getattr(self, 'return_values') saved_values = return_values[:] self.return_values = return_values = [] for value in saved_values: try: for val in value.value: return_values.append(ReturnValue(val)) except TypeError: return_values.append(value) return self
[docs] def at_least(self): """Modifies the associated times() expectation. When given, an exception will only be raised if the method is called less than times() specified. Does nothing if times() is not given. Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use at_least() with attribute stubs") expected_calls = _getattr(self, 'expected_calls') modifier = _getattr(self, 'modifier') if expected_calls[AT_LEAST] is not None or modifier == AT_LEAST: self.__raise(FlexmockError, 'cannot use at_least modifier twice') if modifier == AT_MOST and expected_calls[AT_MOST] is None: self.__raise(FlexmockError, 'cannot use at_least with at_most unset') self.modifier = AT_LEAST return self
[docs] def at_most(self): """Modifies the associated "times" expectation. When given, an exception will only be raised if the method is called more than times() specified. Does nothing if times() is not given. Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use at_most() with attribute stubs") expected_calls = _getattr(self, 'expected_calls') modifier = _getattr(self, 'modifier') if expected_calls[AT_MOST] is not None or modifier == AT_MOST: self.__raise(FlexmockError, 'cannot use at_most modifier twice') if modifier == AT_LEAST and expected_calls[AT_LEAST] is None: self.__raise(FlexmockError, 'cannot use at_most with at_least unset') self.modifier = AT_MOST return self
[docs] def ordered(self): """Makes the expectation respect the order of should_receive statements. An exception will be raised if methods are called out of order, determined by order of should_receive calls in the test. Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use ordered() with attribute stubs") self._ordered = True FlexmockContainer.ordered.append(self) return self
[docs] def when(self, func): """Sets an outside resource to be checked before executing the method. Args: - func: function to call to check if the method should be executed Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use when() with attribute stubs") if not hasattr(func, '__call__'): self.__raise(FlexmockError, 'when() parameter must be callable') self.runnable = func return self
[docs] def and_raise(self, exception, *kargs, **kwargs): """Specifies the exception to be raised when this expectation is met. Args: - exception: class or instance of the exception - kargs: optional keyword arguments to pass to the exception - kwargs: optional named arguments to pass to the exception Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use and_raise() with attribute stubs") args = {'kargs': kargs, 'kwargs': kwargs} return_values = _getattr(self, 'return_values') return_values.append(ReturnValue(raises=exception, value=args)) return self
[docs] def replace_with(self, function): """Gives a function to run instead of the mocked out one. Args: - function: callable Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise(FlexmockError, "can't use replace_with() with attribute/property stubs") replace_with = _getattr(self, '_replace_with') original = self.__dict__.get('original') if replace_with: self.__raise(FlexmockError, 'replace_with cannot be specified twice') if function == original: self._pass_thru = True self._replace_with = function return self
[docs] def and_yield(self, *kargs): """Specifies the list of items to be yielded on successive method calls. In effect, the mocked object becomes a generator. Returns: - self, i.e. can be chained with other Expectation methods """ if not self._callable: self.__raise( FlexmockError, "can't use and_yield() with attribute stubs") return self.and_return(iter(kargs))
def verify(self, final=True): """Verify that this expectation has been met. Args: final: boolean, True if no further calls to this method expected (skip checking at_least expectations when False) Raises: MethodCallError Exception """ failed, message = self._verify_number_of_calls(final) if failed and not self._verified: self._verified = True self.__raise( MethodCallError, '%s expected to be called %s times, called %s times' % (_format_args(, self.args), message, self.times_called)) def _verify_number_of_calls(self, final): failed = False message = '' expected_calls = _getattr(self, 'expected_calls') times_called = _getattr(self, 'times_called') if expected_calls[EXACTLY] is not None: message = 'exactly %s' % expected_calls[EXACTLY] if final: if times_called != expected_calls[EXACTLY]: failed = True else: if times_called > expected_calls[EXACTLY]: failed = True else: if final and expected_calls[AT_LEAST] is not None: message = 'at least %s' % expected_calls[AT_LEAST] if times_called < expected_calls[AT_LEAST]: failed = True if expected_calls[AT_MOST] is not None: if message: message += ' and ' message += 'at most %s' % expected_calls[AT_MOST] if times_called > expected_calls[AT_MOST]: failed = True return failed, message def reset(self): """Returns the methods overriden by this expectation to their originals.""" _mock = _getattr(self, '_mock') if not isinstance(_mock, Mock): original = self.__dict__.get('original') if original: name = _getattr(self, 'name') if (hasattr(_mock, '__dict__') and name in _mock.__dict__ and self._local_override): del _mock.__dict__[name] elif (hasattr(_mock, '__dict__') and name in _mock.__dict__ and type(_mock.__dict__) is dict): _mock.__dict__[name] = original else: setattr(_mock, name, original) del self
[docs]class Mock(object): """Fake object class returned by the flexmock() function.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Mock constructor. Args: - kwargs: dict of attribute/value pairs used to initialize the mock object """ self._object = self for attr, value in kwargs.items(): if type(value) is property: setattr(self.__class__, attr, value) else: setattr(self, attr, value) def __enter__(self): return self._object def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): return self def __call__(self, *kargs, **kwargs): """Hack to make Expectation.mock() work with parens.""" return self def __iter__(self): """Makes the mock object iterable. Call the instance's version of __iter__ if available, otherwise yield self. """ if (hasattr(self, '__dict__') and type(self.__dict__) is dict and '__iter__' in self.__dict__): for item in self.__dict__['__iter__'](self): yield item else: yield self
[docs] def should_receive(self, name): """Replaces the specified attribute with a fake. Args: - name: string name of the attribute to replace Returns: - Expectation object which can be used to modify the expectations on the fake attribute """ if name in UPDATED_ATTRS: raise FlexmockError('unable to replace flexmock methods') chained_methods = None obj = _getattr(self, '_object') if '.' in name: name, chained_methods = name.split('.', 1) name = _update_name_if_private(obj, name) _ensure_object_has_named_attribute(obj, name) if chained_methods: if (not isinstance(obj, Mock) and not hasattr(getattr(obj, name), '__call__')): return_value = _create_partial_mock(getattr(obj, name)) else: return_value = Mock() self._create_expectation(obj, name, return_value) return return_value.should_receive(chained_methods) else: return self._create_expectation(obj, name)
[docs] def should_call(self, name): """Creates a spy. This means that the original method will be called rather than the fake version. However, we can still keep track of how many times it's called and with what arguments, and apply expectations accordingly. should_call is meaningless/not allowed for non-callable attributes. Args: - name: string name of the method Returns: - Expectation object """ expectation = self.should_receive(name) return expectation.replace_with(expectation.__dict__.get('original'))
[docs] def new_instances(self, *kargs): """Overrides __new__ method on the class to return custom objects. Alias for should_receive('__new__').and_return(kargs).one_by_one Args: - kargs: objects to return on each successive call to __new__ Returns: - Expectation object """ if _isclass(self._object): return self.should_receive('__new__').and_return(kargs).one_by_one else: raise FlexmockError('new_instances can only be called on a class mock')
def _create_expectation(self, obj, name, return_value=None): if self not in FlexmockContainer.flexmock_objects: FlexmockContainer.flexmock_objects[self] = [] expectation = self._save_expectation(name, return_value) FlexmockContainer.add_expectation(self, expectation) if _isproperty(obj, name): self._update_property(expectation, name, return_value) elif (isinstance(obj, Mock) or hasattr(getattr(obj, name), '__call__') or _isclass(getattr(obj, name))): self._update_method(expectation, name) else: self._update_attribute(expectation, name, return_value) return expectation def _save_expectation(self, name, return_value=None): if name in [ for x in FlexmockContainer.flexmock_objects[self]]: expectation = [x for x in FlexmockContainer.flexmock_objects[self] if == name][0] expectation = Expectation( self._object, name=name, return_value=return_value, original=expectation.__dict__.get('original')) else: expectation = Expectation( self._object, name=name, return_value=return_value) return expectation def _update_class_for_magic_builtins( self, obj, name): """Fixes MRO for builtin methods on new-style objects. On 2.7+ and 3.2+, replacing magic builtins on instances of new-style classes has no effect as the one attached to the class takes precedence. To work around it, we update the class' method to check if the instance in question has one in its own __dict__ and call that instead. """ if not (name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') and len(name) > 4): return original = getattr(obj.__class__, name) def updated(self, *kargs, **kwargs): if (hasattr(self, '__dict__') and type(self.__dict__) is dict and name in self.__dict__): return self.__dict__[name](*kargs, **kwargs) else: return original(self, *kargs, **kwargs) setattr(obj.__class__, name, updated) if _get_code(updated) != _get_code(original): self._create_placeholder_mock_for_proper_teardown( obj.__class__, name, original) def _create_placeholder_mock_for_proper_teardown(self, obj, name, original): """Ensures that the given function is replaced on teardown.""" mock = Mock() mock._object = obj expectation = Expectation(obj, name=name, original=original) FlexmockContainer.add_expectation(mock, expectation) def _update_method(self, expectation, name): method_instance = self._create_mock_method(name) obj = self._object if _hasattr(obj, name) and not hasattr(expectation, 'original'): expectation._update_original(name, obj) method_type = type(_getattr(expectation, 'original')) if method_type is classmethod or method_type is staticmethod: expectation.original_function = getattr(obj, name) override = _setattr(obj, name, types.MethodType(method_instance, obj)) expectation._local_override = override if (override and not _isclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, Mock) and hasattr(obj.__class__, name)): self._update_class_for_magic_builtins(obj, name) def _update_attribute(self, expectation, name, return_value=None): obj = self._object expectation._callable = False if _hasattr(obj, name) and not hasattr(expectation, 'original'): expectation._update_original(name, obj) override = _setattr(obj, name, return_value) expectation._local_override = override def _update_property(self, expectation, name, return_value=None): new_name = '_flexmock__%s' % name obj = self._object if not _isclass(obj): obj = obj.__class__ expectation._callable = False original = getattr(obj, name) @property def updated(self): if (hasattr(self, '__dict__') and type(self.__dict__) is dict and name in self.__dict__): return self.__dict__[name] else: return getattr(self, new_name) setattr(obj, name, updated) if not hasattr(obj, new_name): # don't try to double update FlexmockContainer.add_teardown_property(obj, new_name) setattr(obj, new_name, original) self._create_placeholder_mock_for_proper_teardown(obj, name, original) def _create_mock_method(self, name): def _handle_exception_matching(expectation): return_values = _getattr(expectation, 'return_values') if return_values: raised, instance = sys.exc_info()[:2] message = '%s' % instance expected = return_values[0].raises if not expected: raise args = return_values[0].value expected_instance = expected(*args['kargs'], **args['kwargs']) expected_message = '%s' % expected_instance if _isclass(expected): if expected is not raised and expected not in raised.__bases__: raise (ExceptionClassError('expected %s, raised %s' % (expected, raised))) if args['kargs'] and type(RE_TYPE) is type(args['kargs'][0]): if not args['kargs'][0].search(message): raise (ExceptionMessageError('expected /%s/, raised "%s"' % (args['kargs'][0].pattern, message))) elif expected_message and expected_message != message: raise (ExceptionMessageError('expected "%s", raised "%s"' % (expected_message, message))) elif expected is not raised: raise (ExceptionClassError('expected "%s", raised "%s"' % (expected, raised))) else: raise def match_return_values(expected, received): if not received: return True if not isinstance(expected, tuple): expected = (expected,) if not isinstance(received, tuple): received = (received,) if len(received) != len(expected): return False for i, val in enumerate(received): if not _arguments_match(val, expected[i]): return False return True def pass_thru(expectation, runtime_self, *kargs, **kwargs): return_values = None try: original = _getattr(expectation, 'original') _mock = _getattr(expectation, '_mock') if _isclass(_mock): if (type(original) is classmethod or type(original) is staticmethod): original = _getattr(expectation, 'original_function') return_values = original(*kargs, **kwargs) else: return_values = original(runtime_self, *kargs, **kwargs) else: return_values = original(*kargs, **kwargs) except: return _handle_exception_matching(expectation) expected_values = _getattr(expectation, 'return_values') if (expected_values and not match_return_values(expected_values[0].value, return_values)): raise (MethodSignatureError('expected to return %s, returned %s' % (expected_values[0].value, return_values))) return return_values def mock_method(runtime_self, *kargs, **kwargs): arguments = {'kargs': kargs, 'kwargs': kwargs} expectation = FlexmockContainer.get_flexmock_expectation( self, name, arguments) if expectation: if not expectation.runnable(): raise StateError('%s expected to be called when %s is True' % (name, expectation._get_runnable())) expectation.times_called += 1 expectation.verify(final=False) _pass_thru = _getattr(expectation, '_pass_thru') _replace_with = _getattr(expectation, '_replace_with') if _pass_thru: return pass_thru(expectation, runtime_self, *kargs, **kwargs) elif _replace_with: return _replace_with(*kargs, **kwargs) return_values = _getattr(expectation, 'return_values') if return_values: return_value = return_values[0] del return_values[0] return_values.append(return_value) else: return_value = ReturnValue() if return_value.raises: if _isclass(return_value.raises): raise return_value.raises( *return_value.value['kargs'], **return_value.value['kwargs']) else: raise return_value.raises else: return return_value.value else: # make sure to clean up expectations to ensure none of them # interfere with the runner's error reporing mechanism # e.g. open() for _, expectations in FlexmockContainer.flexmock_objects.items(): for expectation in expectations: _getattr(expectation, 'reset')() raise MethodSignatureError(_format_args(name, arguments)) return mock_method
def _arg_to_str(arg): if type(RE_TYPE) is type(arg): return '/%s/' % arg.pattern if sys.version_info < (3, 0): # prior to 3.0 unicode strings are type unicode that inherits # from basestring along with str, in 3.0 both unicode and basestring # go away and str handles everything properly if isinstance(arg, basestring): return '"%s"' % (arg,) else: return '%s' % (arg,) else: if isinstance(arg, str): return '"%s"' % (arg,) else: return '%s' % (arg,) def _format_args(name, arguments): if arguments is None: arguments = {'kargs': (), 'kwargs': {}} kargs = ', '.join(_arg_to_str(arg) for arg in arguments['kargs']) kwargs = ', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, _arg_to_str(v)) for k, v in arguments['kwargs'].items()) if kargs and kwargs: args = '%s, %s' % (kargs, kwargs) else: args = '%s%s' % (kargs, kwargs) return '%s(%s)' % (name, args) def _create_partial_mock(obj_or_class, **kwargs): matches = [x for x in FlexmockContainer.flexmock_objects if x._object is obj_or_class] if matches: mock = matches[0] else: mock = Mock() mock._object = obj_or_class for name, return_value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(return_value, '__call__'): mock.should_receive(name).replace_with(return_value) else: mock.should_receive(name).and_return(return_value) if not matches: FlexmockContainer.add_expectation(mock, Expectation(obj_or_class)) if (_attach_flexmock_methods(mock, Mock, obj_or_class) and not _isclass(mock._object)): mock = mock._object return mock def _attach_flexmock_methods(mock, flexmock_class, obj): try: for attr in UPDATED_ATTRS: if hasattr(obj, attr): if (_get_code(getattr(obj, attr)) is not _get_code(getattr(flexmock_class, attr))): return False for attr in UPDATED_ATTRS: _setattr(obj, attr, getattr(mock, attr)) except TypeError: raise MockBuiltinError( 'Python does not allow you to mock builtin objects or modules. ' 'Consider wrapping it in a class you can mock instead') except AttributeError: raise MockBuiltinError( 'Python does not allow you to mock instances of builtin objects. ' 'Consider wrapping it in a class you can mock instead') return True def _get_code(func): if hasattr(func, 'func_code'): code = 'func_code' elif hasattr(func, 'im_func'): func = func.im_func code = 'func_code' else: code = '__code__' return getattr(func, code) def _arguments_match(arg, expected_arg): if expected_arg == arg: return True elif _isclass(expected_arg) and isinstance(arg, expected_arg): return True elif (type(RE_TYPE) is type(expected_arg) and return True else: return False def _getattr(obj, name): """Convenience wrapper to work around custom __getattribute__.""" return object.__getattribute__(obj, name) def _setattr(obj, name, value): """Ensure we use local __dict__ where possible.""" local_override = False if hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and type(obj.__dict__) is dict: if name not in obj.__dict__: local_override = True obj.__dict__[name] = value else: setattr(obj, name, value) return local_override def _hasattr(obj, name): """Ensure hasattr checks don't create side-effects for properties.""" if (not _isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and name not in obj.__dict__): if name in DEFAULT_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES: return False # avoid false positives for things like __call__ else: return hasattr(obj.__class__, name) else: return hasattr(obj, name) def _isclass(obj): """Fixes stupid bug in inspect.isclass from < 2.7.""" if sys.version_info < (2, 7): return isinstance(obj, (type, types.ClassType)) else: return inspect.isclass(obj) def _isproperty(obj, name): if isinstance(obj, Mock): return False if not _isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and name not in obj.__dict__: attr = getattr(obj.__class__, name) if type(attr) is property: return True elif _isclass(obj): attr = getattr(obj, name) if type(attr) is property: return True return False def _update_name_if_private(obj, name): if (name.startswith('__') and not name.endswith('__') and not inspect.ismodule(obj)): if _isclass(obj): class_name = obj.__name__ else: class_name = obj.__class__.__name__ name = '_%s__%s' % (class_name.lstrip('_'), name.lstrip('_')) return name def _ensure_object_has_named_attribute(obj, name): if not isinstance(obj, Mock) and not _hasattr(obj, name): exc_msg = '%s does not have attribute %s' % (obj, name) if name == '__new__': exc_msg = 'old-style classes do not have a __new__() method' raise FlexmockError(exc_msg) def flexmock_teardown(): """Performs lexmock-specific teardown tasks.""" saved = {} instances = [] classes = [] for mock_object, expectations in FlexmockContainer.flexmock_objects.items(): saved[mock_object] = expectations[:] for expectation in expectations: _getattr(expectation, 'reset')() for mock in saved.keys(): obj = mock._object if not isinstance(obj, Mock) and not _isclass(obj): instances.append(obj) if _isclass(obj): classes.append(obj) for obj in instances + classes: for attr in UPDATED_ATTRS: try: obj_dict = obj.__dict__ if _get_code(obj_dict[attr]) is _get_code(Mock.__dict__[attr]): del obj_dict[attr] except: try: if _get_code(getattr(obj, attr)) is _get_code(Mock.__dict__[attr]): delattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: pass FlexmockContainer.teardown_properties() FlexmockContainer.reset() # make sure this is done last to keep exceptions here from breaking # any of the previous steps that cleanup all the changes for mock_object, expectations in saved.items(): for expectation in expectations: _getattr(expectation, 'verify')()
[docs]def flexmock(spec=None, **kwargs): """Main entry point into the flexmock API. This function is used to either generate a new fake object or take an existing object (or class or module) and use it as a basis for a partial mock. In case of a partial mock, the passed in object is modified to support basic Mock class functionality making it unnecessary to make successive flexmock() calls on the same objects to generate new expectations. Examples: >>> flexmock(SomeClass) >>> SomeClass.should_receive('some_method') NOTE: it's safe to call flexmock() on the same object, it will detect when an object has already been partially mocked and return it each time. Args: - spec: object (or class or module) to mock - kwargs: method/return_value pairs to attach to the object Returns: Mock object if no spec is provided. Otherwise return the spec object. """ if spec is not None: return _create_partial_mock(spec, **kwargs) else: # use this intermediate class to attach properties klass = type('MockClass', (Mock,), {}) return klass(**kwargs) # RUNNER INTEGRATION
def _hook_into_pytest(): try: from _pytest import runner saved = runner.call_runtest_hook def call_runtest_hook(item, when, **kwargs): ret = saved(item, when, **kwargs) teardown = runner.CallInfo(flexmock_teardown, when=when) if when == 'call' and not ret.excinfo: teardown.result = None return teardown else: return ret runner.call_runtest_hook = call_runtest_hook except ImportError: pass _hook_into_pytest() def _hook_into_doctest(): try: from doctest import DocTestRunner saved = def run(self, test, compileflags=None, out=None, clear_globs=True): try: return saved(self, test, compileflags, out, clear_globs) finally: flexmock_teardown() = run except ImportError: pass _hook_into_doctest() def _patch_test_result(klass): """Patches flexmock into any class that inherits unittest.TestResult. This seems to work well for majority of test runners. In the case of nose it's not even necessary as it doesn't override unittest.TestResults's addSuccess and addFailure methods so simply patching unittest works out of the box for nose. For those that do inherit from unittest.TestResult and override its stopTest and addSuccess methods, patching is pretty straightforward (numerous examples below). The reason we don't simply patch unittest's parent TestResult class is stopTest and addSuccess in the child classes tend to add messages into the output that we want to override in case flexmock generates its own failures. """ saved_addSuccess = klass.addSuccess saved_stopTest = klass.stopTest def addSuccess(self, test): self._pre_flexmock_success = True def stopTest(self, test): if _get_code(saved_stopTest) is not _get_code(stopTest): # if parent class was for some reason patched, avoid calling # flexmock_teardown() twice and delegate up the class hierarchy # this doesn't help if there is a gap and only the parent's # parent class was patched, but should cover most screw-ups try: flexmock_teardown() saved_addSuccess(self, test) except: if hasattr(self, '_pre_flexmock_success'): self.addFailure(test, sys.exc_info()) if hasattr(self, '_pre_flexmock_success'): del self._pre_flexmock_success return saved_stopTest(self, test) if klass.stopTest is not stopTest: klass.stopTest = stopTest if klass.addSuccess is not addSuccess: klass.addSuccess = addSuccess def _hook_into_unittest(): import unittest try: try: # only valid TestResult class for unittest is TextTestResult _patch_test_result(unittest.TextTestResult) except AttributeError: # ugh, python2.4 _patch_test_result(unittest._TextTestResult) except: # let's not take any chances pass _hook_into_unittest() def _hook_into_unittest2(): try: try: from unittest2 import TextTestResult except ImportError: # Django has its own copy of unittest2 it uses as fallback from django.utils.unittest import TextTestResult _patch_test_result(TextTestResult) except: pass _hook_into_unittest2() def _hook_into_twisted(): try: from twisted.trial import reporter _patch_test_result(reporter.MinimalReporter) _patch_test_result(reporter.TextReporter) _patch_test_result(reporter.VerboseTextReporter) _patch_test_result(reporter.TreeReporter) except: pass _hook_into_twisted() def _hook_into_subunit(): try: import subunit _patch_test_result(subunit.TestProtocolClient) except: pass _hook_into_subunit() def _hook_into_zope(): try: from zope import testrunner _patch_test_result(testrunner.runner.TestResult) except: pass _hook_into_zope() def _hook_into_testtools(): try: from testtools import testresult _patch_test_result(testresult.TestResult) except: pass _hook_into_testtools()